Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Making Social Media Headway at Work

I am proud to announce the LinkedIn group I started for my company reached 1,200 members in six months. I know it's not all about quantity but I think that number can help demonstrate to my company that Social Media is something to really put some thought into with our marketing plan and when developing a strategy to engage with our members and prospective members.

Today I also sent out my very first tweet for my company and started researching companies/people to follow. The tweet included a link to an article my director of communications wrote about social media as she is a newbie and just learning it. She's more of a newbie than me but I love her openess to dabbling into learning more about it. It was fun when I found one of the CEO's from our member company who is now a regular tweeter.

I'm thrilled I was able to talk my VP & events director into considering having an event for 300 people on social media this fall versus the spring or later. The task given to me...find the sponsor(s) and panelists and we can start planning it. If I can find sponsors soon, the event could be in September or October. I think October is more ideal. How kewl would it be to exceed our normal attendance of 200-300 people at our monthly breakfast events to something like 400+ people? I would love it and that's my goal!

I think I can do it too, especially by offering discounts for people who retwee (RT) the event announcement and coming up with a fun contest. Stay tuned, more fun to come. I also find it funny now how much I don't listen to the radio because my mind is focused on all that I've been learning regarding social media and thinking about fun & creative ways to apply this to my company. Woow...12:40am. Need to go to sleep so I can dream more about social media....zzzz

1 comment:

  1. You have accomplished a lot; congrats! Keeping those folks active with each other will be a great goal; they will help bring others in. :)
